research-backed information

Dr. Koufman’s Blog

Are Soft Drinks Bad For Acid Reflux?

What Are the Most Common Symptoms of Acid Reflux?

Is It Safe to Take Famotidine for Acid Reflux?

Can pH-Balancing Help My Acid Reflux?

I Have A Dry Cough All Day, What Can I Do?

Should I Do A Reflux Detox? 10 Symptoms That Demand Attention

Why Is My Acid Reflux and Heartburn So Much Worse When I Stop Taking the Reflux Medicine? “Rebound Hyperacidity”

Is Chamomile Tea Good for Acid Reflux?

Who Is Dr. Jamie Koufman Respiratory Reflux Expert? Part II of II

Who Is Dr. Jamie Koufman Respiratory Reflux Expert? Part I of II

Is The Keto Diet Bad For Acid Reflux?

What’s The World’s Healthiest Sustainable Diet?

Does Stress Make Acid Reflux Worse?

How Do I Know If My Postnasal Drip Is Allergy or Acid Reflux?

Does Alkaline Water Help Acid Reflux?

What Is the Aerodigestive Tract? And What Does It Have To Do With Respiratory Reflux?

Can I Beat Acid Reflux? Dr. K’s Top 10 Tips

Can Respiratory Reflux Cause Shortness of Breath?

Can Intermittent Fasting Help Control Acid Reflux?

Can Respiratory Reflux Cause Death?

Do “pH-Boosting” Drops Make Alkaline Water That’s Good For Acid Reflux?

Laryngospasm: I Can’t Get Any Air!

Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux: The Good, the Bad, and The Ugly

Alginates: From Seaweed to Acid Reflux Treatment

Dr. Koufman’s Reflux-Friendly Weight-Loss Program

Dr. Koufman’s Reflux Detox Diet

Lemon Is BAD For Acid Reflux

Reflux Detox Weight-Loss Drugs Like Ozempic and Wegovy Cause Acid Reflux

SNoRR: Silent Nocturnal Respiratory Reflux: A Debut

Acid Reflux: Definition of Terms

Reflux Laryngitis

Six Massive Misdiagnoses & Respiratory Reflux

Recipe for Seafood Bake with Seaweed

Acid Reflux? Dr. Koufman’s Top 10 Snacks

Good Breakfast Choices for Acid Reflux

Why a Low-Acid Diet for Acid Reflux?

Cardiovascular Problems and Long-Covid

It’s Respiratory Reflux Quiz Time

Reflux-Testing for Respiratory Reflux (LPR) Is a Waste of Time and Money

Which Exercises Are Good or Bad for Acid Reflux?

Acid Reflux? It’s the American Way

Acid Reflux? LPR and GERD Are Different!

Dr. Koufman’s Treatment for Three Vagally-Mediated Neurogenic Symptoms: Painful Speaking, Chronic Sore Throat, and Cough

Does Weight Loss (Bariatric) Surgery Cause or Worsen Acid Reflux?

Can Acid Reflux Cause Sinus Problems?

Does Peanut Butter Cause Heartburn and Acid Reflux?

Acid Reflux: Seven Red Flag Symptoms

Manuka Honey For Acid Reflux

Three Conditions That May Require Lifelong Acid Reflux Treatment — Sjögren’s Syndrome, Radiation Treatment, and Achalasia

Does Alkaline Water Help Acid Reflux?  

TNE – Transnasal Esophagoscopy Is the Best and Safest Endoscopy Choice for Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux? pH (Acidity) Measurements of Fruits and Vegetables

Acid Reflux? pH (Acidity) Measurements of Common Condiments

Is Seltzer Safe For Acid Reflux?

How To Beat Sugar Addiction

Best Snacks for People with Acid Reflux

LPR aka Respiratory Reflux: Why Doesn’t My Gastroenterologist Know About This?

Chronic Constipation? How Can I Fix It Inexpensively?

Five New Year’s Resolutions That Could Fix Your Acid Reflux and Save Your Life

The VAGUS Nerve Part III: Vagally-Mediated Syndromes Affecting the Gastrointestinal, Respiratory, and Cardiovascular Systems

The VAGUS Nerve (Part II): What Happens When It Goes Bad? Vagally-Mediated Voice Symptoms and Neurogenic Pain Syndromes

The VAGUS Nerve (Part I): What Does It Do and What Happens When It Goes Bad?

Bad Ideas for Acid Reflux: Chrissy Teigan’s Ridiculous Reflux Tape and Some Dubious Endoscopic Antireflux Procedures

Can Acid Reflux Cause Ear Pressure, Pain, Hearing Loss, and Tinnitus?

Can Acid Reflux Cause Pneumonia?

How Do I Know If I Have a Good Doctor?

The Ubiquitous Banana: Is It Good or Bad for Reflux?

The Stages of Reflux and Recovery

ASTHMA: Is My Asthma Really Asthma?

What Causes Too-Much Mucus and Post-Nasal Drip?

Fast-Food Sandwiches Cause Acid Reflux — But Beyond Reflux  — They Can Kill

What Causes Exercise-Induced Asthma and Acid Reflux, and Is This Problem Preventable?

Do Onions Cause Heartburn and Acid Reflux?

What is an INLET PATCH and Should I Be Worried About It?

Can Supplements and Natural Remedies Cause Acid Reflux?

Can Common Medications Cause Acid Reflux?

Is Juicing or a “Juice Cleanse” Good or Bad for Acid Reflux?

PEPSIN: How to Get Rid of Pepsin & Cure Your Acid Reflux

Big Uvula?

What Are Trigger Foods & Beverages That Cause Acid Reflux?

I’m Pregnant and Have Terrible Heartburn and Acid Reflux, What Can I Do?

Chest Pain: Heart Attack, Heartburn, or Something Else?

What Is Respiratory Reflux & Why Doesn’t My Doctor Know About This?

What’s Best to Drink If I Have Acid Reflux?

Does Drinking Alcohol Cause Acid Reflux?

Do ACE Inhibitors Cause Chronic Cough and Acid Reflux?

What Is a Neurogenic Cough?

Is a Vegan or Vegetarian Diet Good for Acid Reflux?

Can Allergies Cause Acid Reflux?

What Is Globus Sensation and How Can I Get Rid of It?

What Causes Choking? What Is Reactive Airway Disease?

Do PPIs Like Nexium & Dexilant Cause Cancer?

What Is LPR? What Is the Pharynx?

Is Alkaline Water Safe?

Coughing Explained – The Chronic Cough Enigma

Silent Reflux


What Causes Bronchitis? Silent Acid Reflux!

Can You Cure Sleep Apnea and GERD By Fixing Acid Reflux?

Chewing Gum After Meals Can Stop Acid Reflux in Its Tracks

Nexium vs Prilosec: Are These PPIs Safe To Take?

It’s Manuka, Honey!

How to Keep Acid Reflux Under Control Over the Holidays

Test Your Knowledge – Take The Reflux Quiz

9/11: Ground Zero, Reflux, and Chronic Cough

Vaping, Smoking, Dipping & Chewing Tobacco Cause Reflux

Does Chocolate Cause Acid Reflux?

Hiatal (Hiatus) Hernia Rarely the Reflux Problem

Singers: How to Save Your Voices

Post-nasal Drip, Too Much Phlegm/Mucus, or Clearing Your Throat?

Take the “Dry January” Reflux Challenge

Why Are U.S. Healthcare Costs So High?

Can Coffee Cause Heartburn & Other Acid Reflux Symptoms?

Dental Problems? Explore Reflux (It’s Not Just Heartburn & Indigestion)

Alkaline Water For Acid Reflux? (It Started with My Research)

Silent Reflux – Breathing, Sinus or Throat Problems? Explore Acid Reflux!

Is Barrett’s Esophagus Reversible?

Have Chronic Cough? Try This 2-Week Detox Plan

Trump Was Put on Pepcid – Here’s Why That’s Smart

COPD: Have COPD? Read Up on Silent Reflux.

Aloe Vera Juice for LPR & GERD

We Should Be Using a Safe, More-Effective Sanitizer and Disinfectant (HOCl) to Help Control COVID-19

Think You Have Asthma? It’s Probably Reflux!

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